Shipping Policy
Orders may take up to 14 days to arrive. Many orders arrive sooner, depending on the immediate availability of ordered items. Currently we do not offer expedited shipping.
We currently ship within the United States.
Shipping rates are flat for all domestic and international orders.
Pray Not Prey Apparel is not responsible for lost/stolen items. In the case of a lost/stolen package please contact the carrier directly. Once the order is in the possession of the carrier, we do not see it again. Pray Not Prey Apparel in unable to replace items lost by the post office or stolen free of charge. We will, however, do everything in our power to assist you!
Major holidays also will increase shipping time. Please be mindful that our very small staff does not work on these days as we feel they deserve to spend time with their families.
==> Please note that during sales & promotions, processing times may increase as order influx increases at those times. Please allow up to 5 business days to receive a response from customer service during this time. We strive to send orders out as quickly as possible and will notify you of any major delays.